Healthy Aging Program Stories and Reflections

healthy aging

Demonstrating Impact: Healthy Aging Program Stories and Reflections United Way of the BC: Developmental and Summative Evaluation Howegroup, in partnership with Catalyst Consulting, has been contracted by the United Way British Columbia (UWBC) to conduct a summative evaluation of demonstration projects that have been funded over a 3-year time period across three independent streams: Social…

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Demonstrating Impact: Healthy Aging Program Stories and Reflections
United Way British Columbia: Developmental and Summative Evaluation


Demonstrating Impact: Healthy Aging Program Stories and Reflections United Way British Columbia: Developmental and Summative Evaluation Howegroup, in partnership with Catalyst Consulting, has been contracted by the United Way British Columbia (UWBC) to conduct a summative evaluation of demonstration projects that have been funded over a 3-year time period across three independent streams: Social prescribing…

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